Compose AI
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Annual billing (Save 33%)
PremiumSave 33%
Billed $119.88/year
UltimateSave 33%
Billed $359.88/year
AI Generated Text
Type // to tell the AI what you want written and get it in seconds
1,500 words per month
25,000 words per month
∞ Unlimited
Rephrase, Reword, Shorten & Expand
Change up your text and draw inspiration from our Al suggestions
25 per month
∞ Unlimited
∞ Unlimited
Easy Email Replies
1-click draft full email replies with AI
10 per month
50 per month
∞ Unlimited
Advanced Autocomplete
Type faster with Al assisted autocomplete, or have a guide as you type
50 per month
∞ Unlimited
∞ Unlimited
Early Access to New Features
With an opportunity to weigh in on the future product direction
Premium Support
Get help from our team when you need it
Multiple Accounts
Need multiple user accounts? Get all the features from the Unlimited plan, plus a further discount for multiple users. Contact us for details.